Monday, February 28, 2011

Not this month..

Well, I went in for my D3 blood work and ultrasound this past Friday. Everything looked great, and I was supposed to start my BCP yesterday (Sunday). BUT - insurance hasn't sent the authorization yet because they need a mock transfer and semen analysis before they will. While Shady Grove can get their end done fairly quickly, I was advised that BCBS (the insurance co) is running about 3-4 weeks to get the Authorizations together. This means I would not have it in time for Shady Grove to order my meds for this cycle. Because they do not like their patients to be on birth control for more than a month at a time, I am holding off on starting the pill until the end of March, which means a cycle the end of April. If I started the pill this month, and I ended up not able to get my meds in time, I would have to wait until the end of April to start the pill, and then a cycle the end of May. I just do not want to wait that long.

Plus, there is a lot of stress going on in my life right now regarding my parents getting a divorce and my mom acting in a way that makes us all believe she has some sort of mental disorder. So, I'm waiting a month, to allow myself to try to become as stress free as possible, continue to get healthier, and maybe lost another 5-10lbs. (hey, weight loss can't hurt!)

I plan to continue to update on things, I want to try and keep this blog related to our journey to baby #2, but I may also update it with other things. ;)

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