Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mock Tansfer..

This morning I went in for my mock transfer.  As predicted, it went absolutely fine. It was a lot quicker than i thought it would be.. I'm not sure why I thought it would take longer, but I was in and out in.. 10  minutes. It probably took me longer to pay than to have the procedure done.

The mock transfer, if you don't know, is where they put in a catheter and push water into the tube to be sure everything is clear and there will be no blockage or problem for the actual transfer when it happens.  It's painless, just a bit uncomfortable.  I get the feeling it is more uncomfortable for other women than for myself, as the nurse kept asking me if I was okay, or if I was feeling okay, and kept apologizing for any pressure. To be honest, my yearly exam is more uncomfortable than that was.  Anyhow, the worst part is the rest of the day the fluid kinda just.. leaks. So, you have to wear a pad or panty liner. but even that isn't that big of a deal.

That's all for now - Next on the agenda is my Injection class on March 30th. Between now and then, I need the Hubs to give a sample, and we need to get the pre-auth form from the insurance co.  The cycle seems so far away, but I know it will all happen before we know it.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you the best. I remember my days of IVF tx well. Keep us posted!
