Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Got my protocol!

So - here is the rundown of my protocol. I got it today at my injection class. The timing is all approximate, of course. I'll just start with the date I started my BCP's.

3/27 - BCP D1
4/16 - Last Day BCP
4/17 - Blood work & Ultrasound
4/20 Start meds pending BW&US are normal
          112.4IU Gonal F Multi-Dose
           37.5IU Menopur

At this point, everything is based on my follicle size. I will be going in for monitoring every other day, or every day. Once they are greater than 14mm, they will start me on Ganirelix.

5/1 - approximate trigger date. I will be triggering with Lupron.
5/2 - BW & US
5/3 - Egg Retrieval
5/6 - 5/8 - Egg Transfer. The timing will depend on how the embryos grow and develop.

SO - that's the tentative time frame. yes, I know it's a lot of detailed information, but part of the reason I'm writing this blog is so that perhaps someone reading this will learn from it, or can use it to relate, or just to understand more about IVF. In the upcoming posts, I may become more emotional - happy, or depressed, or indifferent. One thing I have learned is that the range of emotions can vary day to day; even minute to minute. This is because.. the medication.. the underlying feelings, outside influence. There's a multitude of reasons, but I know they are all normal, and I hope that even on a low day, I am able to find the joy and happiness in this journey, and find the positive light that I will need to get through.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you that you are one step closer to holding your baby! I am here for you on the good days to celebrate and be hopeful with you and I will also be here for you on the low days because I know with the meds, it is sometimes unavoidable but you can lean on me when you need to!
