Sunday, March 27, 2011

IVF #1, 4/2008 ER stats

So, as I was going through some old boxes in the basement yesterday, I came across an envelope from SGFC that was never opened, or at least, appeared to never have been opened. I, of course, opened it. It was a copy of our ER stats from the first IVF we did, which resulted in our daughter.

I had  18 eggs retrieved.
I had 8 eggs fertilized normally.
I had  2 eggs fertilized abnormally.
I had unfertilized and discarded.
I requested 2 eggs be transferred.

So - I had, in the end, 8 little eggs, and out of that 8, we put two back. The remaining six, we declined to cryopreserve because we just could not afford it. It made me sad, and even at the time I had heavy feelings in my heart,  but the feeling wasn't ad profound as it is now. This time, even if I have to take out a loan, I want to save them.

That's a totally different issue,and we will cross that when we get to that point. The point of this post is - based on those results, I should not have any problem getting eggs this time either, and I am excited to continue with this cycle despite the ongoing and current stress we have in our personal lives. This is a chance we have to take, now. And I know we won't regret it. not one bit.

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