Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Got my protocol!

So - here is the rundown of my protocol. I got it today at my injection class. The timing is all approximate, of course. I'll just start with the date I started my BCP's.

3/27 - BCP D1
4/16 - Last Day BCP
4/17 - Blood work & Ultrasound
4/20 Start meds pending BW&US are normal
          112.4IU Gonal F Multi-Dose
           37.5IU Menopur

At this point, everything is based on my follicle size. I will be going in for monitoring every other day, or every day. Once they are greater than 14mm, they will start me on Ganirelix.

5/1 - approximate trigger date. I will be triggering with Lupron.
5/2 - BW & US
5/3 - Egg Retrieval
5/6 - 5/8 - Egg Transfer. The timing will depend on how the embryos grow and develop.

SO - that's the tentative time frame. yes, I know it's a lot of detailed information, but part of the reason I'm writing this blog is so that perhaps someone reading this will learn from it, or can use it to relate, or just to understand more about IVF. In the upcoming posts, I may become more emotional - happy, or depressed, or indifferent. One thing I have learned is that the range of emotions can vary day to day; even minute to minute. This is because.. the medication.. the underlying feelings, outside influence. There's a multitude of reasons, but I know they are all normal, and I hope that even on a low day, I am able to find the joy and happiness in this journey, and find the positive light that I will need to get through.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Frozen Babies

So, a dear friend of mine asked me today - "Do you plan on freezing any embryos this time?". Well - Yes. I want to, absolutely. Without a doubt. The problem is that it's not cheap. It's a highly emotional and personal decision. If this cycle doesn't work, having some frozen embryos for a future cycle would make the financial burden a little less, if we ever did another cycle.

There are many options - we could donate them, which basically feels like putting our potential children up for adoption. I would know full well that whomever would get these embies, (as they are so affectionately called by many), would be grateful, and would be wonderful parents and would cherish the baby, because they have yearned and wanted it as bad as I do. But - I have that feeling.. my child could be out there somewhere.. and that makes me instinctively NOT want to donate.

We could donate them to science - for research. For them to run random, weird, crazy tests. To see what happens if they inject jelly bean juice into it. (Okay, maybe they won't do that, but you get the point.. ) This is a very respectable choice - it could potentially aide in the advancement of infertility and IVF. Obviously, the more research they can do, the better it will be for anyone going through it.

Next, we could have then destroyed and discarded. This is what we opted for the first time. I felt bad,but we just could not keep them. So - that's what we did. And I still wish we hadn't done that. I fear, this may be what we have to do again. I'd like to take out a loan, or sell my car, rather than do that, but.. I have to accept that this may be the realistic option.

I get very emotional when I think about it. I know this upcoming cycle may very well be our LAST CHANCE at another baby. If we freeze the remaining embies, that means there could be possibility for a future frozen cycle. If we don't save them, then.. well, if we don't have awesome coverage like we do now (and will only have through June) then we would have to try to come up with money for a full IVF cycle.

Frustrating. Scary. Heartbreaking. I know what I want to do... but I don't know if we will be able to do it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

IVF #1, 4/2008 ER stats

So, as I was going through some old boxes in the basement yesterday, I came across an envelope from SGFC that was never opened, or at least, appeared to never have been opened. I, of course, opened it. It was a copy of our ER stats from the first IVF we did, which resulted in our daughter.

I had  18 eggs retrieved.
I had 8 eggs fertilized normally.
I had  2 eggs fertilized abnormally.
I had unfertilized and discarded.
I requested 2 eggs be transferred.

So - I had, in the end, 8 little eggs, and out of that 8, we put two back. The remaining six, we declined to cryopreserve because we just could not afford it. It made me sad, and even at the time I had heavy feelings in my heart,  but the feeling wasn't ad profound as it is now. This time, even if I have to take out a loan, I want to save them.

That's a totally different issue,and we will cross that when we get to that point. The point of this post is - based on those results, I should not have any problem getting eggs this time either, and I am excited to continue with this cycle despite the ongoing and current stress we have in our personal lives. This is a chance we have to take, now. And I know we won't regret it. not one bit.


Well folks, today I started BCP. So, 21 days of that and then we start Gonal F. I'll get my full protocol once the insurance authorization comes in, which should be within the next week.

Just wanted to update on what is going on!

Monday, March 21, 2011

How did I forget?

So, I have everything taken care of. The mock is done, semen analysis done, Injection class scheduled.. just waiting on AF so I can start my BCP's. Oh, and I need a copy of my most recent pap results. But I can just bring that in with me whenever I go in again.

So I called today, my old OB/GYN to see about getting that. The last one they have on record was September of 2009. 2009?!? Are you kidding me? Well, I did go see a loval Fertility doc this past summer - I knew he did an exam.. Did he do a pap... he must have.. right? Except.. he didn't. I saw him in August of 2010, of course he wouldn't have done a pap - I was still current then. Have I really been so pre-occupied with other things I didn't go for my yearly exam? SO - I called my CURRENT doctor, and they were able to get me in next Monday, thankfully - and said results come back fairly quick. I'll have to remind them to rush or whatever they do to get results back quick (the office hasn't proven to be the most efficient). Hopefully, this last little wrench doesn't screw us over. It's getting down to the wire, and I absolutely can not put this off another month. If we have to do that, we may as well put it off forever. Who knows if we'll ever have insurance this good again.. *sigh*

So.. next up, yearly exam. Then next week: How to Stab Yourself. Injection Class

Stay Tuned Folks.. it only gets better from here.. right?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mock Tansfer..

This morning I went in for my mock transfer.  As predicted, it went absolutely fine. It was a lot quicker than i thought it would be.. I'm not sure why I thought it would take longer, but I was in and out in.. 10  minutes. It probably took me longer to pay than to have the procedure done.

The mock transfer, if you don't know, is where they put in a catheter and push water into the tube to be sure everything is clear and there will be no blockage or problem for the actual transfer when it happens.  It's painless, just a bit uncomfortable.  I get the feeling it is more uncomfortable for other women than for myself, as the nurse kept asking me if I was okay, or if I was feeling okay, and kept apologizing for any pressure. To be honest, my yearly exam is more uncomfortable than that was.  Anyhow, the worst part is the rest of the day the fluid kinda just.. leaks. So, you have to wear a pad or panty liner. but even that isn't that big of a deal.

That's all for now - Next on the agenda is my Injection class on March 30th. Between now and then, I need the Hubs to give a sample, and we need to get the pre-auth form from the insurance co.  The cycle seems so far away, but I know it will all happen before we know it.